...and while this very basic tool worked with this wine box it wasn't up to fitting the tap the the ones supplied by Jigsaw Packaging... which are a much snugger fit... snugger and bugger... anyway not to be out done and to save on the expense of the 'correct' tool:

Out with the welder then - four knives from Tesco welded together and then to a pair of scissors from Wilko's (crap - 1st pair broke on 1st trial and 2nd pair broke in store...) Here with stronger handle then welded onto 1st pair... works okay, though needs positioning twice to get tap fully home (which may not be a good thing 'cos I haven't worked out how to get 'em out again yet. With the box in above video it's possible to prise out the old tap - not so with the Jigsaw type... oh, and as it 'appens, there's apples to be pressed after all...