Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Have cider will travel...

The free Derbyshire cider tasting was very popular at the weekend as I spent the day at a nearby Garden Party raising funds for the local Hospice. Free cider, with an optional '50p a guess' as to how many apples it took to make a pint of cider! All good fun and helped out with the fundraising.
It was interesting that most people thought there was very little juice in apples...

On 2010's extraction rate I got 568 ml (of juice strictly) out of 774 grams of apples.

On the day, I added 300gms of sugar to one half 30 litre pin and nothing to the other as MEDIUM and DRY. Very interesting to get some feedback as well, especially as it went down well!
As there was a barbecue later I left Mick (the organiser) with the sweeter stuff - he told me later that he had a job getting up the next morning!

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