Tuesday, 1 January 2013

All done...

Hey! I got 16-18* litres out of the last pressing - very good from 20.5 k of apples. The majority were crab/wilds that seemed very dry too. The apples were tough little devils and I had to change the drill on the pulper as it developed problems and the revs began to fall. So combined with the over-press from the last two batches it made 20 litres bringing the total pressed to 855 litres.
(*I had 2-4 litres already in the 20 litre container - thinking on, I should have filled another container to the same level with water and measured it. There must have been more already in there than 2 litre surely)
Anyway that's it for another year - just need to get the final 4 batches fermenting and work out what the hell I'm going to with it all!

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