Sunday, 30 September 2012

Fruitful Forage:

Being low on sharps I set off today with a plan...
mind you I did forgot to stock up on the various bags etc. another doh...
In lean years the secret is to do your reccy's early and I knew there was fruit waiting.
Long story short, I returned some 2hrs later with 60kg of sharp and sweet
Last call was a tree I'd found some years back but rarely used (wild sharps seem a little rarer that sweets for some reason...) anyway it's here I regretted not stocking up on bags or trays as half of the bags had holes from previous forays. So I cut back the brambles, ferns and nettles... (yeah the fern is an interesting one... that's former railways for you - I think they must get carried along like Rosebay Willow Herb?) ...ready for more foraging in due course, one call was to Wilko's for another tin of water-based polyurethane varnish and another was to claim a refund from Tesco where I was charged £30.40 for a 70 pence loaf of bread yesterday! Anyroadup, that's all for now, though I did take some pics - including the Dunnington Picker in action!

Meanwhile I think this is the video I had in mind:

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