Friday, 26 October 2012

Golf Links no.4

... in fruit, which is good. A hard little bullety bitter sweet - ended up on headtorch gathering some sweets not a hundred yards away. Trouble is it was mild and wet and flying things get attracted by the bright LED...
Wednesday was wet too - time to check out some reported wild trees. First one, which I tried to find last year, without success... bore one solitary apple - small red and... wait for it, sweet... doh...
Next up a reported abandoned orchard amid trees - no sign of any apples or trees...
then off to where I knew there were apples - sweets and plenty of them. Took an hour to collect 37 kilos though as brambles and nettles all about - ouch! Then off to another reported crab on an entry road to a supermarket. Found this one straight away - two small green fruits - not bad in the dark... alas the two apples were the only ones...

Yesterday lunchtime - former railway now trail - went in search of sweets (loads last year that I didn't need...) this year none according to old chap coming the other way. He did tell me of two crabs in fruit beside a nearby fishing pond which I did find... on bitter swt other bitter shp - side by side. A guy told me of another wild, but was too far away, but noted... then another dog walker pointed me to 2 more wild trees... which again I managed to find - both in fruit, but out of time really by now to do much... still they'll be added to my own Google Apple Map!

Batch 8 pressed - not taken gravity yet suspect it'll be 50 or maybe slightly more...
Last night tried some Medieval Cider made by a local who I met at the garden fete back in June - no pressing involved, chopped apples steeped in water with quite a lot of added sugar methinks - more like applewein... very much like Eastern Counties style in flavour.
that's all for now

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