Monday, 26 November 2012


...well that's 500 litres. It's a lot for me when every single apple passes at least twice through my own grubby mitts! Got some more of those sweets (as yesterday) - when I finished work it wasn't quite dark, so there's another 13 kilos to add - more to be had too, but the quality is suffering now and I got enough for around 800 litres anyway. My thinking is that I'll cross bridges when I come to them... see what I can turn out... for no other reason than I can really...
The pint of 2010 batch 12 is going down well... tell thi...

Tch, just done the press boards... what did I forget to do..? Off we go again...

[later still]
To be honest I've a job reading the bloomin' thing... though after much squinting and closing of one eye... then the other, I make it: dah dah - 1.048 (+/- a gnat's cock - or crane fly's...) which is interesting, merely because it's different...
The hydrometer is something of an introduction the clean end of the 'business'...
One guy, having lent me his wheelbarrow a few years back sampled one of the apples I came across his lawn with. He took a bite out of one apple and decided against chucking it back into the barrow as he'd taken a bite and maybe thought he'd somehow 'contaminated' it, saying, 'You'll not want this one now.' He tossed the rest of the perfectly good fruit into the trees as I replied: 'It's all right. You could piss on 'em and it wouldn't make any difference.' The freebie that you don't get with beer...

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