Friday, 15 October 2010

Old Poets Never Die...

Went for a meal at the Old Poet's Corner, Ashover last night - 1st night of the Beer Festival. Landord Kim was on bass and it was too bloody loud!! The background music 'Dark Side of the Moon' was something of a give away as to what was to follow... old rockers and all that, but they were clearly enjoying themselves, if somewhat apologetic for lack of rehearsal...
The Black Dragon was spectacular but after a glass or two the palate became very 'sandpapery', such is the tannin content! Maybe they had an excess of Kingston Black at pressing time...
The other notable cider was a Rich's sweet (not tried) - another being the Diabollically dry, or whatever it is, from Norfolk (no way am I ever parting with my hard-earned for that again...)
Isn't it at Rich's Cider where they have an enormous barrell that has a sign saying: 'If you drank 4 pints a day, it would take you etc...'? I've got a picture* of it somewhere...
(*that pic is already posted - here)

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